
国際障がい者武道文化協会International Association of Budo & Culture for the Disabled

International Association of Budo & Culture for the Disabled
The establishment was consented to by a request of Sweden in 1012. New Zealand, Nepal expressed the establishment now. The Europe was consented to.
The group where did not have grounds expressed  Professor Kantaro Matsu of International Budo University and felt uneasy about doing it in nonsense grading(Syodan Shinsa).

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伊佐見神久呂武道教室拳法会(伊佐見協働センター・ホール) 今日の武道学【諸行無常】【教育とは】  今日は、ペンギンの日!

  伊佐見神久呂武道教室拳法会(毎週木曜日19:00~21:00 伊佐見協働センター・ ホール ☎053-439-0909 認定NPO法人㏄内 ) 月会費 幼年1000円、生徒学生・一般女子2000円、一般男子3000円      HP: http://www.righttec....