
2013世界拳法会連盟・日本役員会議2013 IKKO・JAPAN Crime of the martial arts group and Kenpo Kai.

Crime of the martial arts group and Kenpo Kai.
In the new martial arts, the top is arrested by a crime. The arrest by blackmail and the fraud is frequent in Karate. A disgraceful affair matched the judo.
In Kenpo Kai, spread of Busido and young healthy upbringing are purposes. We must study a right course from these bad examples. The martial arts have a characteristic to massacre an enemy by power. It leads to blackmail and violent crime by this characteristic misunderstanding.
1.Increase time for Budo morality.
2.Fix the environment of children. (Do not have relations with the bad group.)
3.The education of the leader. Acquire Bushido which is Japanese tradition thought more and tell the next generation.

Most of new martial arts have division. The division thought is a cause of the troubles.
Let's get rid of division thought from youths.

第46回日本武道学会 国際会議・筑波大学においても新興武術について討議された。新興武術の魅力も研究する必要がある。
   役 員
大橋千秋 九段範士・世界拳法会連盟会長
 浅井隆夫 八段範士・全日本拳法会本部長 
 近田孝夫 七段範士・全日本拳法会柔法師範
 阿久根正臣 五段将士・大阪拳法会本部長 
 准役員 山本敏正 四段・准将士

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