
New Zealand アリスター先生より!東日本大震災お見舞い!

To Ohashi Sensei and all Kempo Kai members .
It was with great sorry and sadness that we watched in horror at the resent earthquake and tsunami that that occurred in the north of Japan. It leave us with a great feeling of helplessness that we can not be there to help in some way in your time of need.
We know with the compassion and kindness and generously that we received in Japan that together as a nation you will only go forward from here and over come this disaster .
The Ashburton Dojo has got together and raise a small donation which we would like you to put to who or what ever you would like ,to maybe help some one in some way.
Our thoughts are with you all
Regards Alastair McIntosh
On behalf of the Ashburton Dojo
           ニュージーランドアシュバートン アリスター・マッキントシュ

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三方原武道教室拳法会(三方原会館)武士道の教え「サムライの威厳とは」 1.眼光するどき処に威あり。 2.言葉少なきところに威あり。 3.物腰静かなところに威あり。

三方原武道教室拳法会(三方原会館) 4月13日と14日に静岡県三ケ日青年の家で武道徳育合宿・体験合宿がありました。その時に3つの約束がありました。   1.人の話をよく聞く 2.大きな声で話す 3.すぐに動く でした。私たち武道を学ぶ者にもサムライ(武士)としの教えがあります。 ...