
Chiaki Ohashi President of International kenpo Kai Organization 大橋千秋 世界拳法会連盟 会長   拳法会は、生涯武道・Sustainable Budo を目指す!

生涯武道・Sustainable Budo  ・サステナブルBudo「親から子へ!ずっと続けていける武道」 70才!80才!生涯稽古をつづけ健康寿命向上!
Lifetime Budo/Sustainable Budo "From parent to child! Martial arts that can be continued forever" 70 years old! 80 years old! Continue practicing throughout your life to improve people's health and longevity!
〇Self-defense for 100 years of life: security and safety, reduction of health risks, activities that give purpose to life (competitions, etc.)
〇Creating a society with martial virtues: Learning Budo studies and creating a society of coexistence and co-prosperity and mutual prosperity of self and others.
A prosperous society with peace and happiness for people
〇 A simple, strong, and frugal world: Break away from desire and be grateful to Heaven, God, and Buddhism (natural earth environment)!
    IKKO 世界拳法会連盟 Click!

1 件のコメント:

人生初の挫折? 大橋忠幸(協栄ボクシングジム・トレーナー WKC世界拳法選手権 2007・2010世界チャンピオン)

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