Today, the high school entrance exams are over and all the junior high school students are here. Everyone was checking their exam results. They talked happily about how they were asked about Kenpo Kai, the matches in Australia and New Zealand, and their homestays during their interviews. They have left a strong legacy. I am so happy!!伊佐見武道教室拳法会
伊佐見武道教室拳法会(毎週木曜日19:00~21:00 伊佐見協働センター・ホール☎053-439-0909 認定NPO法人㏄内 )月会費 幼年1000円、生徒学生・一般女子2000円、一般男子3000円
HP: http://www.righttec.com/isami/
会員募集中 お気軽にお電話ください!
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