全世界の拳法会の皆さんの活動をお知らせします。News of Kenpo kai. This Blog informs it of the activity of the person concerned of Kenpo Kai of the whole world. 会員募集! 電話053-439-0909(NPO法人内)
ナショナル・インターナショナルスピーチトレーニングセンターで講演「教育は、命の継承」 講師:大橋千秋
武道は、武士(samurai)の哲学です。 武士道(Bushido)は、武士・サムライ(Samurai)の究極の「道徳」「礼」「尊敬」から成立している。Budoは、「Ki」です。単にヒットしても、ポイントにならない。勝敗は、自分自身が最もよく分っている。審判の判定に意義を言うのは、武士・サムライ(Samurai)の恥です。動揺することも恥である。勝敗よりもその時の態度が大切です。試合後の正座(Seiza)の礼も感謝と尊敬の表れです。
There was a demand when I wanted you to teach it about "respect(Sonkei)" from the listener of the meeting place.
Do you think that you do "a competition" including karate, Kendo to be Budo? Such a thing "giving a point" "it is earlier, and to throw far" is sports. Basic Law for sports established Japan in 2011. There are not the Budo(martial arts) by the sports.
The Budo(martial arts) are philosophy of Samurai. Bushido is established from ultimate "morality" "etiquette" "respect" of Samurai. Budo "is Ki". It is not merely pointed even if make a hit. Oneself understands victory or defeat best. It is Haji(shame) of Samurai to say significance to judgment call. It is Haji(shame) to be upset. A manner than victory or defeat at that time is important. The etiquette of Seiza after the game is an outcome of thanks and the respect, too.
次は、2.「平均寿命について話しましょう。」 ここで、質問です。
2.The next will talk about the average life span.
Here, it is a question.
I ask all of you of the Southern Asia including India and Nepal. The Japanese average life span is 83 years old. How old is the average life span of the Southern Asia?
From a meeting place, I think it to be in its 60s.
Do all of you think that there is a 20-year-old difference in why?
Because, from a meeting place, we eat a hot thing.
There will be it, too. I think that it is a rule. In Japan, there is "physical education" in the school. Children learn swimming. In Thailand, 1,100 children are drowned in one year. Japanese Samurai walked the left side that a sword was easy to go to protect the body. The roads of the country of all of you walk the right and the left and the middle rushingly. The car is the same, too. Many children are hurt and die. A rule of clear education is necessary. I cure a disease by the excellent engineer creates safe medical equipment and cars, and becoming the doctor. Bushido, education is the succession of the life
3.Ohashi sensei is in the global environment and how does think?
I was surprised very much in a town of Katmandu. It becomes the blackout at 7:00 p.m. and follows until morning. However, the town does not lose a function by a battery and light of the sun and is lighted. This is great.
By the way, Japan establishes a reduction target of the CO2 in 25% and pushes forward solar generation and economy in power consumption. However, who decided 25% reduction is a point. As for the population of Japan, it is reduced 50% in 2050. If population becomes half, it is to say that 25% of reduction of the CO2 is very simple.
It is a point that the problem can do right decision without your country being affected by the large country. In Japan of our country and the small country of the Southern Asia, a politician and a government official are stupefied. I love all of you own countries, and let's take action.
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