
五段審査論文 Naraj ネパール拳法会

Grading 5th Dan kenpo kai report.

The Budo globalization

Name: naraj bahadur khadkaNepal Kenpo Kai


I am in japan since 3 months for study budo. Budo is a deeper then oceans and I am trying to go as much as deep I can.



To develop the real budo in a world specially in a Nepal

And south Asia.


Introduction (紹介)

Budo is a bushido the samurai lifestyle. The meaning of budo is way of war . How can we develop budo in a worldWe need to organize seminars and training camps.

Top of the bushi can not appointed it should be genji or heishi 1its origins in a combat technique designed for self – protection and kill enemies intrinsically connected to the traditions of japan its cultural qualities have remained inherent throughout history and it has developed into various forms of combative physical culture in the modern era which seek to facilitate personal development . Budo use red and white flag it was samurai  history.

genji was used white  flag and heshi used red flag at 12th century from those period budo using red and white flag during a randori tournament.

From around the mid meiji period some proponents of budo started to submit proposals to the national diet suggesting that gekken and jujutsu be introduced into the school Curriculum. Their aspirations were finally relished in middle schools from 1911. the following year the rival schools Tokyo higher normal school and the bujutsu semmon gakko in Kyoto , commenced program designed to train martial arts instructors.budo spread in school , and quickly found a dedicated following in all echelons of society . a committee of five celebrated swordsman managed to transcend ryuba antagonism and devised the new dai Nippon teikoku kendo kata consisting of seven techniques with tachi (long swords ) and three with kodachi ( short sword ). This set of generic kata was devised in order to resolve the technical distortions that had manifested in shinai kenjutsu such as improper grip of the sword bad posture strikes with incorrect blade angle etc . the kata is still practiced today as the Nippon kendo kata .

Furthermore , a pedagogical method for teaching large groups of pupils in schools was also researched . in a traditional Japanese dojo the master would normally teach disciples individually this was not possible in a school so overall conent of bujutsu training and methodology sequence of etiquette consisting of sitting in seiza , mokuso and zarei commonly seen in budo now was devised .


Activity (状況)

In the seminar we should invite every one all over the world who is interested in a budo or related with budo . budo should teach disable people also . if all over the world they study budo as like japan in their school it help to develop budo in global. We should not practice for win we need to practice for change our lifestyle, health.

Teaching activity

Teacher of budo should always encourage others to also strive to better themselves and diligently train their minds and bodies, while continuing to further their understanding of the technical principles of budo. Teacher should have knowledge about real Japanese budo .  there is important  five words in budo jin , gi, ,re, chi, shin .



The budo is a bushido it teach discipline, respect, love, friendship. After World War 2 people are afraid to visit japan and help Japanese but only the reason people help Japanese and japan is budo. As I study after the war there is nothing in japan all must everything are destroyed but no one can destroy their budo because of that now Japan is develop country in the world.

We need to teach real budo to our children because they are the future.    


Name: naraj bahadur khadka

Date: 19/102014

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