
2010年新年あけましておめでとうございます。2010 A Happy New Year.

2010年新年あけましておめでとうございます。 2010A Happy New Year.
  拳法会の2010年の目標「立志貫志」 大きな目標・志を立てその志を貫きましょう!!
The world greets the time of the change greatly now. Because we too pursued "a profit" after the Meiji Restoration and the Industrial Revolution, We left the big evil in both environment and a heart.A large contract deposit, competition sports for the purpose of the income introduced "the physical education" of our country from education I polished mind and body, and to raise oneself and grew up. The competition of the West was enjoyed by many people, and these contributed as entertainment. But, it was reconsidered about the martial arts We polished the noble-minded emotional strength and tecnique body which it lasted for several thousand years of our country as well as environment, economy, industry conventionally, and had been cultivated, and to raise inner will necessarily, and the perfection compulsory subject of the martial arts at the junior high school was decided from 2012 by the Central Education Council. The review phenomenon of this heart is taking place in the world. Kenpo Kai assume 2010 the age of a new start. Kenpo Kai which brings up Samurai by Bushido education people good for the world of the life when want to do it for the purpose of start it, and contributing to peace and prosperity, desire it. An aim of 2010 of Kenpo Kai is to have big will. And we will accomplish will! !「立志貫志」

世界拳法会連盟IKKO 会長 大橋千秋 Chiaki Ohashi

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