葵高丘武道教室 「節分・豆まき」
Setsubun literally means "division of seasons." It is used to mark the end of winter and summer, and is derived from the old lunar calendar. However, "setsubun" has now come to mean the day before the first day of spring only. It usually occurs around February 3rd. On this day, in a custom called mame-maki, people throw and scatter roasted soy beans inside and outside their houses while saying, "Get goblins out of the house! Invite happiness into the home!" Some people believe that mame comes from the word mametsu which means drive away evil matter, in Kanji.
The reason why people eat the beans is to prevent evil from sprouting!
After throwing the beans, people customarily eat one roasted soy bean, mame, for each year of their age, and pray for happiness throughout the year. There is another reason why people roast and eat these beans; It is said that the bean contains the evil of the previous year, and so it is roasted to prevent evil from sprouting. People in some regions scatter peanuts and eat them, because peanuts are easier to clean and pick up. Some people eat rolled sushi, ehomaki, while facing the year's "lucky" direction.
毎週火曜日19:00~ 北部協働センターホール
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